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PHP Programming

Generate thumbnails for PDFs

As I’ve noted a previous post, ImageMagick is an incredibly powerful tool for image manipulation. While it’s handy for image compression, it can also be used for so many more things, like processing uploaded files. Whether you want to crop all images to the same dimensions, or invert their orientation, Imagick can manage it. I’ve found it particularly useful for generating a thumbnail that can be used as a preview for PDFs uploaded to my application. Here’s some code that does just that:
// generates a jpg thumbnail for a PDF
// returns true on success
// returns false on failure
private function generateThumbnail($filePathNoExt = ”) {
try {
$img = new \Imagick($filePathNoExt . ‘.pdf[0]’);
$img->scaleImage(200, 0);
$img = $img->flattenImages();
$img->writeImage($filePathNoExt . ‘.jpg’);

return true;
} catch (\ImagickException $e) {
// thumbnail generation failed
echo $e;
return false;

This code is pretty self-explanatory. After the PDF has been uploaded, this function is called with the path to the PDF provided as the parameter (minus the extension ‘.pdf’). A new Imagick object is instantiated and some settings are configured before writing the file. The flattenImages() method is used to merge all layers within the PDF for a consistent thumbnail. If you wished to have the thumbnail format as a PNG or with a different size, those parameters can be adjusted as need. At the end of it all, we return a true if the thumbnail was successfully written or a false if there was an error. The thumbnail can be found in the same directory as the PDF, with the same file name.
Then, show the thumbnail inside a link to your PDF like so:
<a href=”/path/to/file.pdf” title=”Open Attachment”>
<img src=”/path/to/file.jpg”>
For further reading, check out this article from BinaryTides that helped me along the way.

Linux Programming

Bulk Image Compression via CLI

Occasionally, I like to share HD photos but they always end up tens of megabytes in size and large files can be a pain send to family and friends. To circumvent this, I make sure to do some image compression before ever sending the images. It’s also very helpful when posting images to a website as large files means longer load times for users (and users don’t like that). So when I wanted to add many photos to a blog post but didn’t want to resize and compress each file manually, I had to figure something else out. A quick search led me to this post that reminded me of the power of Imagick. I’ve used it in the past to generate thumbnails based on PDFs so I knew it had a command line interface but this trick takes it to a whole new level. You’ll need to install imagick (available from most package managers) but once done, the command looks like:
mkdir compressed;for photos in *.jpg;do convert -verbose “$photos” -quality 85% -resize 1920×1080 ./compressed/”$photos”; done
Running this command from the directory your images are located in will 1.) create a new sub-directory to add your compressed files to, 2.) run a for loop through all jpegs in the current director, 3.) create a new image file with the same name in the sub-directory with the dimensions of 1920×1080 pixels and compress it by 15%. This one command saved me so much time, I had time to write another post about it.

PHP Programming Security WordPress

I Gave a Talk

I recently had the opportunity to give a presentation in front of a live audience with real human beings at the WP Omaha meetup group. For my first technical talk, I thought things went pretty well. There were some minor hiccups with my connection to the live stream cutting out (and poor audio quality), but most of it was the talk was recorded and uploaded to the WP Omaha YouTube page.
The talk itself was a security talk aimed at developers where we hacked a site installed on my computer in real time, analyzed the vulnerability within the code, and discussed how this could be prevented in the future. If you’re interested, the presentation can be downloaded here.

Javascript Programming

Javascript Factorial Function w/Recursion

This is a fun quick one that you can do right in the Firefox browser, like I did! Open up Firefox, press F12 to open the developer tools, and open the scratchpad. If you don’t see it, don’t worry; you can show it in the Toolbox Options under Default Developer Tools.
As the title says, this is a function that calculates the factorial function of an integer. For those of you who haven’t had to calculate a factorial since high school *cough* me *cough cough*, the factorial function (symbol: !) says to multiply a series of descending natural numbers. For instance, if we wanted to calculate 4!, we would multiply `4 * 3 * 2 * 1` to get our answer. Simple enough, right? Wait until you see the code to do this; it’s mind boggling how simple it is:
The first thing we do is declare our function name, followed by the check of our number to see if it’s greater than 0. If it is, we call the very same function we are inside of but we pass the next descending number in our list of integers. Once we reach 0, we stop multiplication. Then call our function with different numbers to test it out. Easy enough, right?
I’m aware that this is a simple problem but a friend had pointed out some crazy ways that this problem was solved and I wanted to take a quick shot at it. I had fun with it and I hope you do too. If you’ve got a creative solution, post it in the comments below!